The Early Parenting Programme – The FUSS free format

The Early Parenting Programme - The FUSS free format

The Early Parenting Programme – The FUSS free format

 Learn how to CARE for your baby in the early days

The F.U.S.S. Free Format - CARE

In fact, a lot of new parents share that they feel very overwhelmed about this stage.

Even if it isn’t their first child they often want to revisit this learning and feel reassured that they’ve got the FOUR TOP areas of concern covered.


Taking care of a new born baby
Taking care of yourself

That’s right – all of this in just one module. Four unique sessions making sure that you are absolutely ready, when your new baby arrives.

And do you know when the best time to learn this is? It’s before you’ve had your baby.

It makes sense doesn’t it?

If you learn all this great stuff about taking care of your baby and yourself afterwards, you are going to be way too tired to take it in.

We all know don’t we, that new parents get woken up by their baby a lot, and that alone is really tough to handle.

And this lack of sleep not only makes learning harder if taught once the baby is here, but it also affects memory and recall of that learning too.

So, would you agree that it is vital to make sure that you cover how to take care of yourself and your baby before your baby is here?

This step is in fact so often left out of traditional antenatal education classes, but it is one of the most important, as it is about feeling confident with becoming a parent and taking care of your new born baby.

Four absolutely essential topics for making sure that you are ready to take care of your baby and yourself after your baby has been born.

Some people may say to you “oh it will all come naturally”.

But you know that may have been the case when we lived in small villages and women had been seeing baby’s being born and raised from when they were a child.

But for most of us these days that is not the case, and for many of us the first time we may have to take care of a new born is the day we have them, and learning on the job in this case is really not for the faint hearted.

Providing the practical knowledge and preparation that forms The F.U.S.S. Free Format™, before their baby is born, has made such a difference for our Wise Hippo clients during those early days as a parent and we want that for you too.

The Early Parenting Programme – The FUSS free format

The Early Parenting Programme – The FUSS free format is delivered in a number of options

  1. Online
  2. Face to face 2x3hour sessions
  3. One full day with 3 hours AM and 3 hours PM

In this session Bex facilities your learning through a range of mediums introducing our experts on these 4 topics using a range of videos and activities to ensure you feel full confident in looking after your baby in the early days when they are getting used to being in the world with you and you are learning them.

The investment for these session is;

Weekday/Evening £127

Saturdays  £147

Sundays £177

Theses sessions are done in the comfort of your own home or using webinar software.

Would you like to do this with a friend then you will both benefit from a 25% friends and family reduction and two friends you will receive a 35% reduction at the time of booking together.