Pregnancy Coach and Early Years Expert Bex Hough Kent, Medway and London
Are you laying awake at night with thoughts rasing through your head?
What if I told you that you could learn some tools which help to calm your mind and in turn teach you how to relax in birth. I can’t promise you wont fall asleep either as a natural consequence.
Hello my name is Bex and I am the founder of Mama’s Instinct.
I am a ‘Wise Hippo’ Mama who gave birth to my chilled, calm and relaxed baby boy in October 2013 with my second being born 18 months later in April 2015. I am amazed how happy and easy going my boys are.
Before this I had worked as an Early Years Practitioner and Educator. As an Early years expert, I have worked with parents, carers, children. I have also delivered training and courses for Early Years settings, Local Authorities, Colleges and Universities and training companies whom I still work in a Freelance capacity. Please see my other services page too.
I know also work as a Pregnancy Coach enabling and empowering Mamas it follow their instincts throughout their pregnancy and into motherhood. This can be at any part of the mothering journey. I have been coaching first time mothers through to mothers on their 5th journey. I also use my knowledge as an Early Years expert to help support families at any point in their child development.
I found my own journey into motherhood did not go as smoothly as I had wished as I was on a constant search for the information I required to be able to follow my instincts. I had always grown up with the belief that birth was the most natural experience and that I was born to be a mother. Through lots of searching and asking lots of questions I came across Dany Griffiths, the Co-founder of The Wise Hippo and began private one-to-one sessions along with my partner and my mum. I am glad that I did search, as I found the perfect hypnobirthing course to empower me and coach me to achieve my beautiful, natural, birth.
As I mentioned this journey was not smooth. I wanted a home birth, ironically when renovating my house (not knowing at the time I would become a parent) I had installed a very big bath which became important later. I had to ask lots of questions and also go through a process for the bath to be accepted as a viable place to birth. It did in fact become our birth place. I have a very big affinity with water which is strange as I am actually a ‘fire’ sign. I did unfortunately face some unforeseen complications after birth and was transferred into hospital four hours after birth with an undetected rare medical condition, but this did not faze me. I transferred in very calm and relaxed and felt in emotional control at all times.
I really feel that ‘The Wise Hippo’ course gave me the skills and the tools to feel totally at one. This really helped me to stay in my ‘relaxing place’ and not let any fear or panic set in. Lets face it, I had done what I perceived was the ‘hard bit’ and all done without need for any medical relief. He actually came into the world relatively fast once fully dilated. I ‘hummed’ him out in 27 minutes. My second son was born in hospital on the Labour Ward. I was able to use my skills to empower and enable me to have a natural birth on dry land equally as amazing and powerful working with my natural instincts he was born in 6 powerful minutes. To the surprise of us all as my birth pool was still being filled. Each and every birth is unique and truly a individual experience.
Right so that’s enough about me and how I ended up becoming so empowered and evangelical that I have taken a totally new path in life and trained as both a breastfeeding peer supporter and also this my new most amazing job in the whole world a Wise Hippo Birthing Instructor and Pregnancy Coach. I am really excited and looking forward to working with all you amazing families out who have too discovered the wonders of ‘The Wise Hippo’ and how through the coaching you are empowered to have ‘the right birth on the day’.
For more information on my qualifications and background that qualifies me as a pregnancy coach and early years expert please go to Bex’s Qualifications.